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It's OK not to be OK

Cancer affects everyone differently, but it's important to recognise that you are not alone.


North Ayrshire Cancer Care work alongside the Ayrshire Cancer Network to help people get the support they need, when they need it.


This includes organisations which specialise in specific areas such as breast cancer and brain tumours. 

Support groups offer:

A chance to speak to people who have had similar experiences;

A safe space where you can be completely honest about how you feel;

Details of organisations who can help provide financial help, free publications, information and workshops;

Support for friends and family members who are also trying to deal with the situation.

Take the time you need

Sometimes, trying to deal with the news of a diagnosis means you haven't had the chance to ask the questions you wanted to or simply didn't take the information in.


Being able to speak to specialist support organisations who understand the illness means you can take your time to go through any details and get some of the answers you're looking for.


At NACC, we can put you in touch with the right people and host a range of activities where you can talk to people in the same situation.

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